49+ Nasal Septum Anatomy Ppt
49+ Nasal Septum Anatomy Ppt . Septum nasi) separates the left and right nasal cavities. It is depressed by the depressor septi nasi muscle. Development Of The Modern Otorhinolaryngology Achievements Of Modern Otorhinolaryngology Online Presentation from cf.ppt-online.org The nasal bones, inferior turbinate, middle turbinate, nasal septum, and maxilla. It is depressed by the depressor septi nasi muscle. It is formed of columella containing the medial crura of alar cartilages united together by fibrous tissue and covered on either side by skin. The nasal septum is composed of five structures: This video is about the anatomy of nasal septum. Note that the septal cartilage is attached to both the bony nasal septum (which is actually the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone) and the vomer bone. Microscopic anatomy histological basis nasal cavity is divided into three: Perpendicular pla...